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St. Mark's Church,
Baptism or Thanksgiving
So you're thinking about baptism? That is great news! Here at St. Mark's we love baptisms. Joining the church family is hugely important for the spiritual and personal growth of an adult or child.
If you are an adult considering baptism then please speak to the Vicar about how to go forward.
It is very important that parents and Godparents are fully informed about the promises they will make and the journey on which they are embarking. Please note, Godparents must themselves have been baptised in a Christian church.
We will need details of the Christian names for the child and details of the parents and Godparents. Please download the Baptism Form (below) or collect a copy from the information desk at the back of church - the church is usually open from 10.30 - 11.30am Monday to Friday and for half an hour before and after each service. Give the form to one of the church staff or stewards in church. Once this is done you can move forward and book a date.
There are no fees associated with a baptism but the church is always pleased to receive donations to help it to further its work and its mission.
Please speak to the Vicar, the Revd Julie Smith (01642 270123) to arrange a date before you book any other plans for the day.

For further information see the Church of England baptism website.
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