St. Mark's Church,
Christmas at St Mark's
Sunday 8th December
8.00 am Holy Communion (said)
9.30 am Holy Communion (sung)
3.00pm Christingle Service
Sunday 15th December
8.00 am Holy Communion (said)
9.30 am Holy Communion (sung)
Sunday 22nd December
8.00 am Holy Communion (said)
9.30 am Holy Communion (sung)
3.00 pm Service of Lessons & Carols
​​​Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December
3.00 pm Blessing the Crib
11.30 pm First Eucharist of Christmas
Christmas Day Wednesday 24th December
9.30 am Holy Communion with carols
Wednesday 31st December
No mid-week service
Sunday 29th December
8.00 am Holy Communion (said)
9.30 am - Family Communion (sung)
Every Wednesday: 10.00 Communion
The church is open for about 30 minutes before and after every service for private prayer and lighting votive candles.
Members of all churches and faiths are welcome to celebrate Christmas with us.

Photo: Elizabeth Wass